Request for Recognition of an Institution Outside Oman
     User GuideHow to use the service  
  Main Information about the Institution
  * indicates required fields
  * Educational Institute Name (Ar)
  * Educational Institute Name (En)
  * Country * Date of Establishment (DD/MM/YYYY)
  * Phone
* Fax
  * Website
* Email Id
  * Address
  * Institution Type

  * Academic degrees offered by the educational institution/certificates issued by the educational institution:

  * The study system followed by the educational institution:

  Recognition and Accreditation:
  * Is the educational institution accredited in the country of headquarters

  * Recogination Organisation
* Recognition Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
  * Documents Required (.doc,.docx,.pdf files).
1. The file name must not consist of any symbols such as : (_! - @ . and other symbols
2. The file name must be in English
3. Maximum file size allowed is 2 MB
4. File name must not contain spaces
  * Evaluation Form
    To download and fill the form
Download Evaluation Form
  * Publications about the Institution
  * Documents related to Institutional Accreditation
  * Documents related to Program Accreditation
  * Admission Requirements for each Degree Awarded
  * Captcha Refresh
  * Service Fees is 300 OMR
  For any technical clarifications on e-services, please email us at
Steps on how to use this service
• This service is used to request for recognition of an institution Outside Oman from the ministry, where they should enter main information about the institution.
• All fields in red are mandatory or the request will not be complete until all fields are inserted fully and correctly.
• Upload necessary documents which are mandatory for this application.
• On Submit, user will receive an Email from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
